New Year's Eve Countdown !
: :

Saturday, 12 December 2015


The Idea of Unlock our Internet Modem is now known to everybody, I Guess! Though some people without their Own PC Still find it hard to Unlock Modem because they need a Software to Generate the Unlock Code but the Good News is that their is good Website that offer Modem Unlock Code where you Provide your Modem IMEI Number only.

Though have Written a Tutorial on How to Unlock Modems using a Simple Software but i sense this is going to be Cool because you can Actually Unlock Modem and get Paid even without your PC with you.
With this Website, You don't need to have your Own PC before you can Unlock Modem.

Steps to Get Your Modem Unlocked Online
  • Get your Modem and Look at the Back to Locate its IMEI Number, Usually Start with 35 e.g 352379420752120, Just Write down the Number and the Maker of the Modem e.g Huawei or ZTE.
  • Click on any of this Link:
for Huawei Modem | For ZTE Modem
  • Then you will see a Space for IMEI, Enter the Number at the Back of your Modem and then click on the Calculator Button.
  • Your code will be Provided to You e.g Unlock: 37661250 or NCK = 37663240
Now The Next Steps To Take!
  1. The Generating of the Code is always the Hardest Part of Modem Unlocking, What you have to do next is to Remove the SIM Card in your Modem and Insert another SIM Card that is different from the Network of the Modem e.g If the Modem is an MTN F@stlink Modem, You will have to Insert an AIRTEL Sim or GLO into the Modem and Plug it to your PC.
  2. Just wait, A Pop Up will come up requesting for your Unlock Code, Just Enter the Code you Generated from the Website e.g 37661250 and click on OK.
  3. Congratulation, Your Modem has been Unlocked and you can now Use it with any Network for Browsing! 
Note: Some people charge #500, #1000 or more, in order to unlock modem for people using this trick,
Please appreciate by comment and don't forget to click on Share/Like button.

If you enjoyed this post and wish to be informed whenever a new post is published, then make sure you Subscribe to our regular Email Updates!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

How To Root Infinix Hot, HotNote, HotNote Pro And Other MTK Android Devices On PC

Rooting infinix android devices and other  mkt android devices is quit very simple and easy using iRoot on Pc. I friend of mine asked me to help her configure the simple server on her android using the bblited daily N70 plan on her infinix hot note android device. I successfully installed and configured the simple server version 2.0.2 on her infinix hot note android device and it worked perfectly but not all apps on the device was working, here is when I installed and configured Autoproxy app which enables all apps work with simple server settings using the bblited daily N70 plan. You can download the simple server version 2.0.2 for android Here and the Autoproxy Here.
After installing the Autoproxy app on her infinix hot note android device, I launched the app and I got an error message stating “ SU rom not found”  This error messages comes up if an android device is not rooted and root permission is not granted on the android device. So I had to root her infinix hot note android device to enable all her apps work with the simple server. She was scared at first, she said rooting her phone might spoil the device, I had to explain what rooting means and the benefit of rooting an android device, even with my detailed explanation she was still scared but I told her to trust me. Finally she said I should root her infinix hot note android device.
Actually rooting your android device is indeed an awesome thing to do, because it allows you be the boss of your android device, you’ve broken the limit placed on the android device by the manufacturers whereby allowing you to have total control over your android device. Rooting your android device wont brick or damage your android device but increase the functions and features of your android device which makes it limitless.
Lets get started with the rooting process of all Infinix device and other Mkt Android devices On PC

MTN Unlimited Free browsing using New Vpn on Android devices

As we enjoy Simple server using operamini server and Bblited plan both on pc and mobile devices, Today am going to introduce you a New vpn that we can use both operamini server and bbiled on it and it works thesame way as simple server did.

Psiphone vpn is a powerful tool which is designed to evade internet censorship. Developed and maintained by Psiphon Inc and with Psiphon vpn you can get access to everything on the Internet with Psiphon's secure tunnel Over a million.
Today today our topic is how to use psiphon vpn to enjoy unlimited MTN zero kobo free browsing and how to use it with MTN Bblited plan.

Here are some differences between Psiphon vpn and simple server 
1. Psiphon vpn use Normal MTN default Settings while Simple server use customize settings
2. Psiphon vpn power all your apps with internet such as whatsapp, bbm, wechat e.t.c while simple server needs auto proxy to power all your apps.
3. Psiphon vpn has less configuration compare to simple server
4. Psiphone is stable in connection compare to simple server

Now follow the tutorial step by step to enjoy psiphon vpn like simple  server

How to Configure Psiphon vpn
Make sure your MTN Apn settings is default as shown below:
Proxy (IP):
Port: 8080

Where to get Psiphon vpn

Now click HERE to Download and Install Psiphon Handler

Now Launch psiphon vpn and configure it as shown below:
Under Proxy type select  ''real host''
Under Proxy server:
Under Real proxy server:
Then leave the others and save.

What Next?
You will get a pop up message asking if you want to use psiphon browser only or Tunnel whole device. Make sure you choose tunnel whole device

Then it will take you to the next screen, click on the option tab.
Under region select USA server, then click on more option.

Then click on more option. Under “proxy settings”’ check the “connect through an HTTP Proxy” box.
Then press the back button and wait for a few secs while is connecting.

The it will Show connected and display a loading page

Thats all.

For those that want to use Simsple server on Android you can follow the steps below to configure it
Download the Android simple server HERE
Open the Android simple server and make this changes
Under Injection Query/URL put: 
If you want to use Bblited plan Under Injection Query/URL put:
Under Injection Host put:
If you want to use Bblited plan use

Then goto your mobile settings and create New APN
port: 8080
save and start your simple sever to enjoy unlimited browsing
 If you want to use Bblited you can Subscribe to daily bb10 plan for 24hrs which cost N70 by Dial *216*7# or Send BBLITED to 21600
Then configure it as follows
Listen port = 8080
Mark enable proxy box
proxy host =
proxy port = 8080
Enable injection box
Injection method = get
Injection query/url =
Injection host =
Injection line = press enter 4 times
buffer size = 8092
log level = debug
Click HERE for more detail on Bblited with simple server 
In the Next post i will show you how to use the above softwares on pc

Friday, 2 October 2015

How To Generate a valid Imei number for android device

As we say before IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity)   is a 15 digit unique number to identify mobile devices, as well as some other devices. It is usually found printed on the phones
back under the battery. It can also be displayed on the phones screen by entering *#06# on the phones keypad.

 So if we want to tweak our Imei no.  so that we can get free 250mb from mtn or to use glo bis on our android device or to get free 6month whatsapp from mtn and many more.Then read this post to show you how to generate a valid Imei for your device.

1. Download imei analyzer for your android HERE
2. Install it on your android phone
 Mostly you will  have 9digit then Add 5 numbers of your choice and generate the check digit
Then click Analyze

now you got your Full IMEI Number or you can goto to generate it on web.
copy the full imei and replace your device imei using MTK Engineering mode or click HERE to know how to replace the imei

Simple Server and Psiphon full configurations for MTN and ETISALAT Unlimited Free Browsing

Why are you paying for internet browsing while others are enjoying unlimited browsing always. Did you know that you can stay online browsing for 24hrs without paying anything?If NO then this post belong to you. I am going to give you full configuration on how to browse free both on PC an Android device without paying anything. This is what we have been using for more than 6Month now and is still working perfectly.

With Simple server you can browse and download with 0.0kobo with MTN using our MTN Simple server on PC and Android.
With simple server to browse and download With N70 and you can download over 4.5gb files with it.
Without long story you can configure yours now and start enjoying Unlimited browsing. Below are the configuration and the link where you can download the software for unlimited browsing

MTN  Bblited With simple server for android
 Dial *216*7# or Send BBLITED to 21600
Then configure it as follows
Mobile settings
port: 8080
Listen port = 8080
Mark enable proxy box
proxy host =
proxy port = 8080
Enable injection box
Injection method = get
Injection query/url =
Injection host =
Injection line = press enter 4 times
buffer size = 8092
log level = debug
 Click HERE for more details on MTN Bblited with Simple server forAndroid

MTN Bblited with simple server for PC
LHOST = ''
PHOST = ''
KEEP = ''
PPORT = 8080
LPORT = 8080
VALHDR0 = ''
VALHDR1 = ''
VALHDR2 = ''
VALHDR3 = ''
CUSHDR2 = ''
CUSHDR3 = ''
CUSHDR0 = 'Host'
CUSHDR1 = ''
SBUFF = 1024
Click HERE for more details on MTN Bblited with Simple server for pc
MTN Unlimited with Simple server for android
Mobile settings
port: 8080
Then configure it as follows
Listen port = 8080
Mark enable proxy box
proxy host =
proxy port = 8080
Enable injection box
Injection method = get
Injection query/url =
Injection host =
Injection line = press enter 4 times
buffer size = 8092
log level = debug
 Click HERE for more details on MTN Unlimited with Simple server
MTN Unlimited with simple server for pc
LHOST = ''
PHOST = ''
KEEP = ''
PPORT = 8080
LPORT = 8080
VALHDR0 = ''
VALHDR1 = ''
VALHDR2 = ''
VALHDR3 = ''
IQUERY = '''
CUSHDR2 = ''
CUSHDR3 = ''
CUSHDR0 = 'Host'
CUSHDR1 = ''
SBUFF = 1024
Click HERE for more details on MTN Unlimited with Simple server

Etisalat unlimited Simpleserver for Mobile
Mobile settings
Apn: etisalat
port: 8080
open ur simple server setting
proxy host:
injection query/url:
injection line : press enter key four time
log level: debug
open and minimize your simple server and connect,you can use auto proxy to make all aplication work.
MTN Unlimited with Psiphon
Under Proxy type select  ''real host''
Under Proxy server:
Under Real proxy server:
Then leave the others and save.
You will get a pop up message asking if you want to use psiphon browser only or Tunnel whole device. Make sure you choose tunnel whole device
Then it will take you to the next screen, click on the option tab.
Under region select USA server, then click on more option.
Then click on more option. Under “proxy settings”’ check the “connect through an HTTP Proxy” box.
Then press the back button and wait for a few secs while is connecting.
Click HERE for more details on MTN Unlimited with Psiphon

Mobile settings
Apn: etisalat
leave ip and port empty
open ur psiphon handler
tick remove port
proxy type:select real host
click save.
Go to option and select region as united state.
tick tunnel whole device.
Enter more option and also tick “connect through http”
still on more option tick “use the following setting”
Host adress:
close and connect
Now click HERE to Download and Install Psiphon Handler
You can download Psiphon software for Pc HERE 
 Click HERE to downlaod ufarblog android app now

Download The New Version of Psiphon handler for Android devices

Is more than 4month now, as we always enjoy unlimited browsing on MTN and Etisalat using Psiphon handler on our android devices. Today we have a good news to Psiphon user, A new version is now availabe to download and upgrade to Psiphon100HandlerUI

Note: You don't need to make any changes; the configuration is the same just download it to your device and install is that's all.

Where to Download Psiphon New version?

Click HERE to Download the New version of Psiphon handler for android device

Click HERE to downlaod ufarblog android app for better browsing

How To Make Your Tweakware Shows Connected Using Etisalat Unlimited Browsing

We notice a lot of people are having some issues when trying to connect Tweakware for the first time running is not showing connected, when they click connect it always stay at Authentication successful so we decide to show you the best solution to this issue.

Click HERE if you are New to Tweakware with Etisalat unlimited browsing

Use any of the method below to enable your Tweakware to show connected and browse when you click connect.

Method 1

When you are running Tweakware for the first time you need to update your tweakware server. So you do it by connecting psiphon/openvpn or you can use normal data so that the tweakware will have internet access to update the server. Now lunch your Tweakware, then Press and hold the server list on the Home screen to update servers. And you can now select any server available on the list.

Method  2

On this method you need to did manual configuration by inputting the Proxy Host (IP) and Port under Tweakware Network Settings.

Go to Settings

Under Settings enter Network Settings

For Proxy Host and Port use any of the working Proxy server and for etisalat social pack

Click HERE to get a working proxy server.

That's all and you can now have a successful connection.

Click HERE to downlaod ufarblog android app for better browsing

get unlimited calls on airtel

call can only be made to airtel number
2. now dial dis codes accordingly��
3. U will see sumtin like dis after dialling
dose codes
�� dear customer, u still av 100 free
copied from honestcamp.Net
4. Naw start flexing ur free calls ��
NOTE: the more u dial d more u receive more
minutes and make sure u av @least #7
on ur sim chill ur money will not be

Tested and confirmed
on0802sim cards��.
Enjoy while it lasts��

Airtel 600MB

Airtel 600MB
Dial the straight steps
accordingly :
==> *141*13*50#
If you have a lucky sim you will get
200mb, 5mb and 1mb making it
394mb. But if you have a fairly
lucky sim you will get 300mb to
100mb; if you don’t have a lucky sim
you will get 50mb
downward. But d least u can get is
Afterall, there is no harm in trying.
And to those whose Android,
Blackberry or iPhone device seems
to be lord over you by posing some
problems, post it below lets provide
a simple solution.


Here is the little procedures
you'll follow in order to extend
airtel daily blackberry service
to one week.

Two option will be
involved because the 165MB
doesn't support every sim but you may try the 80MB code
because it works on all sim...
Steps Step 1 =>> Buy two airtel
recharge card of #100 then
load a #100 recharge card
on your airtel sim and Send
BBUd2 or BBUD to 440.

Step 2 =>> Wait until you
get reply back from airtel that
your blackberry subscription
codes has been successful.

Step 3 =>> Send
to 440
Step 4=>> Recharge your
airtel sim with #100 again
and wait for airtel to give free
15mb for using #200 in a

Step 5=>> Dial *141*712*0#
or *123*10# to check Your MB
balance and expiring date.

NOTE=> You must be on club 10 padi's. To migrate to club
10 padi's simply dial or *166#.


Tuesday, 1 September 2015



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Nokia   2700 classic,   2700c,   2710 Navigation,   2710c,   2730 classic,   2730c,   3120 classic,   3208,   3208 classic,   3208c,   3600 slide,   3600s,   3610 fold,   3610a,   3710 fold,   3720,   3720 classic,   5000,   5130 Xpress Music,   5130 XpressMusic,   5220 Xpress Music,   5220 XpressMusic,   5300,   5300 Xpress Music,   5310 Xpress Music,   5310 XpressMusic,   5330,   5330 Mobile TV,   5330 MobileTV,   5330 Xpress Music,   5330 XpressMusic,   5610 Xpress Music,   5610 XpressMusic,   6126,   6131,   6131 NFC,   6133,   6208 classic,   6208c,   6212 classic,   6216 classic,   6233,   6234,   6263,   6265,   6265i,   6267,   6270,   6275,   6275 CDMA,   6275i,   6275i CDMA,   6280,   6282,   6288,   6300,   6300i,   6301,   6303 classic,   6303c,   6303ci,   6303i classic,   6350,   6500,   6500 Classic,   6500 Slide,   6500c,   6500s,   6555,   6600 fold,   6600 slide,   6600i slide,   6600i Slide,   6700,   6700 classic,   6700c,   6750 Mural,   7020,   7100 Supernova,   7100s,   7210 Supernova,   7230,   7310 Supernova,   7310c,   7310s,   7370,   7373,   7390,   7500 Prism,   7510 Supernova,   7510a,   7610 Supernova,   7610s,   7900 Prism,   8600 Luna,   8800 Arte,   8800 Carbon Arte,   8800 Gold Arte,   Asha 202,   Asha 203,   Asha 300,   Asha 302,   Asha 303,   C2-01,   C2-02,   C2-03,   C2-05,   C2-06,   C3-01,   C3-01 Gold Edition,   X2,   X2-00,   X2-02,   X2-05,   X3,   X3-00,   X3-02

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Supported Models

Nokia   2700 classic,   2700c,   2710 Navigation,   2710c,   2730 classic,   2730c,   3120 classic,   3208,   3208 classic,   3208c,   3600 slide,   3600s,   3610 fold,   3610a,   3710 fold,   3720,   3720 classic,   5000,   5130 Xpress Music,   5130 XpressMusic,   5220 Xpress Music,   5220 XpressMusic,   5300,   5300 Xpress Music,   5310 Xpress Music,   5310 XpressMusic,   5330,   5330 Mobile TV,   5330 MobileTV,   5330 Xpress Music,   5330 XpressMusic,   5610 Xpress Music,   5610 XpressMusic,   6126,   6131,   6131 NFC,   6133,   6208 classic,   6208c,   6212 classic,   6216 classic,   6233,   6234,   6263,   6265,   6265i,   6267,   6270,   6275,   6275 CDMA,   6275i,   6275i CDMA,   6280,   6282,   6288,   6300,   6300i,   6301,   6303 classic,   6303c,   6303ci,   6303i classic,   6350,   6500,   6500 Classic,   6500 Slide,   6500c,   6500s,   6555,   6600 fold,   6600 slide,   6600i slide,   6600i Slide,   6700,   6700 classic,   6700c,   6750 Mural,   7020,   7100 Supernova,   7100s,   7210 Supernova,   7230,   7310 Supernova,   7310c,   7310s,   7370,   7373,   7390,   7500 Prism,   7510 Supernova,   7510a,   7610 Supernova,   7610s,   7900 Prism,   8600 Luna,   8800 Arte,   8800 Carbon Arte,   8800 Gold Arte,   Asha 202,   Asha 203,   Asha 300,   Asha 302,   Asha 303,   C2-01,   C2-02,   C2-03,   C2-05,   C2-06,   C3-01,   C3-01 Gold Edition,   X2,   X2-00,   X2-02,   X2-05,   X3,   X3-00,   X3-02


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Supported Models

Nokia   2700 classic,   2700c,   2710 Navigation,   2710c,   2730 classic,   2730c,   3120 classic,   3208,   3208 classic,   3208c,   3600 slide,   3600s,   3610 fold,   3610a,   3710 fold,   3720,   3720 classic,   5000,   5130 Xpress Music,   5130 XpressMusic,   5220 Xpress Music,   5220 XpressMusic,   5300,   5300 Xpress Music,   5310 Xpress Music,   5310 XpressMusic,   5330,   5330 Mobile TV,   5330 MobileTV,   5330 Xpress Music,   5330 XpressMusic,   5610 Xpress Music,   5610 XpressMusic,   6126,   6131,   6131 NFC,   6133,   6208 classic,   6208c,   6212 classic,   6216 classic,   6233,   6234,   6263,   6265,   6265i,   6267,   6270,   6275,   6275 CDMA,   6275i,   6275i CDMA,   6280,   6282,   6288,   6300,   6300i,   6301,   6303 classic,   6303c,   6303ci,   6303i classic,   6350,   6500,   6500 Classic,   6500 Slide,   6500c,   6500s,   6555,   6600 fold,   6600 slide,   6600i slide,   6600i Slide,   6700,   6700 classic,   6700c,   6750 Mural,   7020,   7100 Supernova,   7100s,   7210 Supernova,   7230,   7310 Supernova,   7310c,   7310s,   7370,   7373,   7390,   7500 Prism,   7510 Supernova,   7510a,   7610 Supernova,   7610s,   7900 Prism,   8600 Luna,   8800 Arte,   8800 Carbon Arte,   8800 Gold Arte,   Asha 202,   Asha 203,   Asha 300,   Asha 302,   Asha 303,   C2-01,   C2-02,   C2-03,   C2-05,   C2-06,   C3-01,   C3-01 Gold Edition,   X2,   X2-00,   X2-02,   X2-05,   X3,   X3-00,   X3-02

by okweimat, want to log in click here   or here

Saturday, 29 August 2015

youtube video download

free online youtube videos and mps download

  click here to start


Top 25 Free Proxy Sites in 2015 for Windows 8.1, 7, 10 and Mac OS X

There are a lot of places where there is a strict internet usage policy. Some sites are blocked by the ISP while other sites are blocked nationwide by the government. Apart from that, school, colleges, universities and public WiFi spots are few of the others that usually block internet sites. Here we list out top 25 free proxy sites in 2015 which can work on any internet browser in Windows 8.1, Windows 7, 10 and Mac OS X provided these proxy sites are open to access.
When these type of policies in place, sometime it also blocks access to certain sites that are useful. So, in order to access those websites, you need to use a proxy website to bypass the security and access the site. This can also be done via connecting to a VPN but every good and working VPN is not free. However, the proxy sites can be free and can also provide you the best method of opening blocked websites on your Windows 8.1 or other Windows Operating System Computers and Mac OS X. In this article, we are going to share with you the top 25 free proxy sites.
Read Also: If you like to block specific websites in a computer, follow this guide.
Some of these sites work both as a proxy site and as a proxy server while others are just simple proxy sites. Proxy site means that you go to a particular proxy site, enter the blocked website URL in the field given on the site and browse it. On the other hand, a proxy server is a combination of an IP address and a port number that you can enter in your browser/system network settings to apply proxy on system wide applications.
free proxy sites in 2015

Setting up Proxy Server on Windows 8.1/10

If you have a Windows based system, you can follow these steps to setup proxy server on your browser.
1. Open your browser.
2. Go to its Settings/Options menu.
3. Click on LAN/Network settings.
4. Click on any option that says Use a proxy server/Manual proxy.
5. In the next window, enter the proxy IP address in the HTTP field and its respective port number in the Port field.
6. Do not check/uncheck any other option.
7. Click Ok.
8. Restart your browser. Now open any blocked website and see if it works.
If for instance, the proxy server doesn’t work, try another proxy server from the list and add it using the above steps.

Setting up Proxy Server on Mac OS X

If you own a Mac OS X based system, follow the steps below.
1. Open your System Preferences.
2. Look for the setting icon named Internet & Wireless.
3. Click on the Network icon.
4. Click on the Advanced button in the next opened window.
5. There, you will see tabs. Click on the Proxies tab.
6. If you are not the administrator or have administrator privileges enabled on your system, you need to put the Administrator password here to enter a proxy server.
7. Choose Configure Proxies->Manually.
8. You will see the Select a proxy server to configure option under the Proxies tab.
9. Choose Web Proxy (HTTP) in the configuration window
10. Now enter the HTTP proxy server address in the Web Proxy Server field.
11. Enter the port number in the field right next to the Web Proxy Server field.
12. Click on Apply Now.
Remember, this is a system wide proxy which is enabled on every browser/application which uses internet.
Read Also: The best tablets under 300$ in 2015

Top 25 Free Proxy Sites List in 2015 for Windows and Mac

1. HideMyAss –
2. Proxy –
3. Anonymouse –
4. Ninja Clock –
5. BlewPass –
6. AnonyMizer –
7. –
8. Vobas –
9. Proxy –
10. Quick Proxy –
11. Working Proxy –
12. Free Open Proxy –
13. Zfreez –
14. kProxy –
15. Don’t Filter –
16. Vtunnel –
17. –
18. YouTube Unblock Proxy –
19. Unblock My Web –
20. Rapid Proxy –
21. Proxy 2014 –
22. Unblock YouTube Free –
23. New IP Now –
24. Free YouTube –
25. HideOnline Proxy – http://freeyoutube
These proxy sites will work perfectly to browse the blocked websites. But if the ISP or other provider who is blocking your internet access is smart enough to even block these proxy sites, then you will not be able to use them. In this case, you may need to use VPN sites or VPN clients which needs to be installed on your computer to make it work. Hope these above top 25 free proxy sites in 2015 will be useful in some cases to access blocked websites.


Friday, 28 August 2015

Share Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP

How-To Geek
If you have a home network and are running Windows 7 and have XP on other PC(s) you might want to share files between them.  Today we will look at the steps to share files and hardware devices like a printer.
Sharing Files In Windows 7 and XP
Sharing folders between two Windows 7 machines with the new HomeGroup feature is an easy process, but the HomeGroup feature is not compatible with Vista or XP.  For this tutorial we are using Windows 7 x64 RC1 and XP Professional SP3 connected through a basic Linksys home wireless router.
First make sure both machines are members of the same Workgroup which by default is named Workgroup.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Windows 7 & Office 2010 Activator

All in one Activator Tools 


-Windows Activation AIO 2010-

These are the best of the best activators around right now and these are all clean and tested by me.

Do not take a chance getting these elsewhere since many contain trojans when downloaded from untrusted sources.

To use my app, just double click then choose "Install"

The AIO App should auto-run.  It will extract to C:Windows Activation AIO 2010

If you wish to run the app again later, just repeat the above and choose "yes to all" when WinRAR prompts to overwrite files.  It will

start up automatically.

You can just delete the folder if you no longer need it.

About the activators:

Windows 7 Loader v1.8.3 (DAZ): 

This is one of the best all around activatorsloaders.  Very easy to use and works 99% of the time.  My first pick.

Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition v3.503: 

This one is also an excellent choice and works with many versions of Win 7, Vista and even Server 2008.
It is a bit more complicated, but try it if the DAZ loader fails.

RemoveWAT 2.25: 

I have limited experience with this, but it does work and some swear by it.  It removes Windows Activation, but gives you the option
to restore.  

Chew WGA 9: 

This I have used extensively and it works with ANY version of Windows 7 100% of the time.  The problem is that Microsoft
has released an update (KB971033) that detects and blacklists you if you install it.  As long as you avoid the update, it will work.

mini-KMS Activator: 

This works great to activate Office 2010 products. I never really tried it other than that.

 Click Here To Download

NOTE: Software may be removed from storage location within 30-90 days from the date of posting. Goodluck by Eze stephen Okwudili


To Me, ESET Smart Security 5 works OK for Me, but to others, something else maybe the case. I'm making this post based on requisition from a friend, however, I thought if I should make this public, it will benefit more than on one person. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is trusted antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free. In addition, the new included LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield checks web pages for threats at the only time that matters - when you're about to click that link.
AVG Anti-Virus Free has these following features:
  • Award-winning antivirus and antispyware
  • Real-time safe internet surfing and searching
  • Quality proven by 80 million of users
  • Easy to download, install and use
  • Protection against viruses and spyware
  • Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is only available for single computer use for home and non commercial use. 
After Installation, Click on HELP, then on ACTIVATE, and replace the originally trial activation keys with 


After that you Click on FIX ALL, while online and you now have a complete antivirus with expiration time extended to 2018. Good-luck!!!